My experience of stepping out of house for the first time after lockdown!!
It has been more than two months since I stepped out of the house. My husband usually goes once in a week to buy vegetables,provisions and other essentials and he has been extremely cautious while going out and after coming back.He wears masks and gloves and tries to go early say around 7.30 am in order to finish shopping before it gets crowded. Also, immediately after coming home he cleans the items bought and takes a bath. I decided to go with him on a weekend(May 16th) as we had to buy quite a lot of things (provisions and vegetables).It was around 8.30 am. Our purchases were centered around the mada streets which is one of the busiest street in Mylapore(located in Chennai). I was really at loss of words to see hardly ten people on the mada street which otherwise would be so crowded that there will be hardly place to walk freely.Almost all the shopkeepers in the shops that were opened (since only few of the shops were opened then) had worn masks and so did the people who came to buy...